Title: Bob Campbell and Gerard Basset:The Regional Complexities of Pinot Noir Location: Vinexpo Asia Pacific Tasting Lab Session (Invitation Only) Room 109/110, Level 1 Description: Join world-renowned Masters of Wine Bob Campbell (NZ) and Gerard Basset (France, UK) to gain expert insight into the regional character and complexity of the world’s ‘Prince of Pinot Noir’. With a focus on benchmark quality and regional typicity, guests will taste the finest examples from New Zealand’s five leading Pinot Noir regions. For more information or to request a place at this exciting event, please email tastinglab@nzwine.com with your full name, place of work, position in the organisation and full contact details. Please note places are strictly limited. Start Time: 16.00 Date: 2012-05-29 End Time: 17.30
Bob Campbell and Gerard Basset:The Regional Complexities of Pinot Noir