We picked 1.9 T of experimental first crop Albarino yesterday from our Renwick vineyard today to formally bring the V2014 harvest to a close (we finished the main harvest last week on the 9th).
A few vintage statistics for you:
1639 Tonnes of grapes picked
311 grape samples tested
65 grape receipts issued (individual parcels of grapes)
10,849 baskets of hand pick fruit collected
94.5 Km travelled by the machine harvester
Over 400 cellar instructions issued
50 days from fizz to Albarino
17 days to pick all the Sauvignon Blanc
56 mm of rain has fallen since we finished picking Sauvignon (hence the speed of SB pick)
201 vintage meals consumed
533 barrels filled
??? number of beers consumed (sorry no accurate statistics here)
14 weary but very satisfied winery & vineyard staff
