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New Year’s Traditions at Nautilus Estate


Now that everyone is back at the winery after their Christmas holidays it has been really interesting exchanging stories about what everyone got up to.

Obviously there have been some New Year’s Resolutions… Clive Weston, our general manager, resolves never to be without a chilled bottle of Nautilus in the fridge ready for unexpected visitors. Paul Mcphee our viticultural technician resolves to lower his gold handicap below that of his boss, Viticulturist Mike Collins! Spending more time with friends and family was also a common theme – although the odd one or two resolved to spend less time with their families! A bit of tension with the in-laws over Christmas maybe?!

There were also some interesting traditions – Claudia Yanez, our brand manager, celebrated the traditional Chilean way:

“At midnight we hold a bill in our left hand – so money is not an issue in the new year. The first person to hug at twelve has to be of the opposite sex – so love will be around 2014 (I guess that can be change if you prefer your same sex!). We take a piece of luggage and walk around the house with it – ensuring an important trip will be awaiting in 2014. And last but not least, we eat three tablespoons of cooked unsalted lentils (I know this is far from a tasty treat, but it’s worth it!) each spoon will go to good health, love and money. After all that we drink lots of (Nautilus!) bubbles, specially to swallow those lentils, with lots of laughter and sharing.”

I hope that whatever you did over Christmas and New Year, that you have started 2014 refreshed and relaxed, and that some of the good luck from Claudia’s Chilean traditions, also rub off on you!

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